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Essays & Apps

Editorial Services

As a children's publishing professional with years of experience working on the editorial and agency side of the business, I know what it means for a project to be ready—and how to get it there. With a keen eye for detail and a deep love of storytelling, I enjoy collaborating with everyone from literary agents polishing projects for submission to burgeoning writers working hard to write the book of their heart. I also provide services for MFA applicants, publishing job seekers, and academic essays. 

Please see a description of my services below for a sense of how we might work together to achieve your goals. Rates may vary based on the project and service, and I am happy to discuss which services might be most beneficial to your vision or provide editorial support not specifically detailed below. 

Please note that I accept payments via Venmo, Zelle & PayPal (transaction fee will be added onto final cost). 



Query package assessment

It can be nerve-wracking sending queries out into the world. Are you conveying the stakes of your story? Are you making mistakes you might not even know about? Having evaluated materials for five different literary agencies across age ranges and genres, I can identify potential problems and provide concrete fixes for queries, synopses, sample pages, or any combination of the three. Query package assessment includes line edits as well as a 1-2 page feedback letter.


Manuscript Consultation

How commercial is my idea? Do I have a clear hook? Which of two endings would be more impactful? If you have questions at any point during the drafting process or want a partner for bouncing ideas, I am available for either thirty-minute or one hour consultations. To ensure my services are accessible, note that I am open to video calls, phone calls, or any other accommodations a client may need.


Manuscript Evaluation & Reader's Reports
For full or partial manuscripts at any stage, I provide the following services:

  • Total evaluation​​Includes an in-depth line edit and edit letter (approx. 5 pages in length), which will highlight potential areas for further development as well as suggestions for improvement

  • Developmental edit: Includes an edit letter (3-5 pages in length) offering broad feedback on areas for further revision as well as insight on the overall premise and hook

  • Line edit: Detailed, in-line feedback throughout the manuscript

  • Phone / video call: Further discussion to ask questions or brainstorm potential revisions


Concision Edit

Word count can be make or break in the query trenches. If your novel falls outside the standard word count in your genre, I can cut words on a line-level as well as highlighting chapters or scenes that can be tightened, removed, or combined to streamline your storytelling. 


Authenticity Reading

Even socially-conscious, well-intentioned writers can benefit from getting another's perspective when depicting marginalized identities and experiences. I have the lived experience to provide authenticity reads for the following characters/topics: bisexuality; asexuality; nonbinary, transmasc, and trans male characters; neurodiversity (ADHD); and other mental health and recovery-related topics I will disclose privately on a case-by-case basis. An authenticity read from me includes line notes as well as a 1-2 page feedback letter detailing any concerns and/or potential solutions.


Disclaimer: Lived experiences are diverse even within marginalized communities. While an authenticity reader can offer crucial perspective, hiring one is not a guarantee that your story will resonate with every member of a group.

Manuscript Combos

I provide a discounted rate for combining various services.

Please contact me through my website (not the submissions email listed on my manuscript wishlist) in order to discuss options or inquire about services not listed.




Essays and Applications



Whether you're applying to a publishing internship, an MFA program, or an undergraduate institution, you're facing significant pressure and competition as you pursue your dreams. The stress can honestly be tear-inducing, and I'm here to help!


Beyond my experience as a publishing professional, I've worked with both high school and college students in academic tutoring centers. Together, we can bring your voice and passion to your cover letter, admissions essay, or academic paper.


MFA Application

Did you choose the right sample? How do you convey the full scope of your literary dreams in five hundred words, anyway? I am available to review essays, read sample pages, brainstorm, or discuss the application process in general from hitting send to choosing a program.


Cover Letter & Interview 

You've wanted to work in publishing since the first time you learned that was a real job. (Same, tbh.) But with hundreds of applicants frequently applying for the same roles, how do you stand out from the pack? I'm here for cover letter review, mock interviews, and any advice you may need.


College Admissions Essays & Academic Essays 

Whether you don't know where to start or simply want another set of eyes, I can help you ensure your vision reaches the page. Let's brainstorm together in a video call, phone call, or google doc. Packages include review of completed essays and more back and forth revisions.

Please contact me through my website (not the submissions email listed on my manuscript wishlist) in order to discuss options or inquire about services not listed.



My freelance editorial services have no connection with my employer. Publishing is a subjective industry, and use of my services cannot guarantee an offer of representation or publication. I reserve the right to turn down a job if I do not feel I am the right editor to take your manuscript to the next level. 

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